Friday, April 26, 2013

What You Should Know Regarding NASCAR Racing Simulator

By Alyssa Riggs

There are already plenty of people nowadays, especially guys, who like to play video games. One can spend so many hours playing this for various reasons. Many of the gamers these days like to play car racing games. Among these is the NASCAR racing simulator that is already enjoyed by plenty of gamers nowadays.

There are many people who wish to join car racing personally. However, they might not have an opportunity to do it. Fortunately for them, technology has already paved the way for them to experience this in their own homes through the development of this racing simulator that can be played in their personal computers using a specific operating system.

This game is very fun to engage in because it really features the tracks, cars, and players that are in the actual race. It also features different series of races that the players can do. There are also different modes of play that are available just like the single-player career mode and the online multiplayer gameplay.

The games that have been developed following this format aims to emulate the experience of actual drivers of a stock car. The gamers can use this to go through various races and win a cup. This is also an opportunity for them to really pass through the regular tournament structure of NASCAR using the cars of popular drivers.

Aside from the enjoyment that they can get from this, they can also experience different benefits through this activity. First of all, this can be a good bonding activity among friends and family. This can be a common hobby or activity among them that they can talk about and share its competitive nature with.

This can also be good for them because it can improve their hand-eye coordination. Through the keys that they have to press to play the game while looking at the screen, they can develop a good coordination with these organs. If they learn this skill, then they can also apply it to other activities and not only in playing the race.

The fighting spirit that he can develop for this matter is another advantage. He can persevere during the challenges so he can win over the tough competition. If he wins, he can develop a stronger sense of self-confidence and if he loses, he can learn from his mistakes so that he can become better.

However, it is also very important for the players to remember that they also have other tasks to do in their daily lives. They have to be responsible enough to balance these with their gaming time. This can be good for them as they learn to set their priorities and they can also learn how to manage their time properly.

For them to experience all these, they can download the NASCAR racing simulator to their computers. If they want to play online with other gamers and do the race with them, they can also log in to various websites that offer it. If they can do this, they can surely enjoy their experience of feeling like they are really in the race while also experiencing the other benefits that the game can give them.

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1 comment:

  1. The author makes several good points about the Nascar racing simulator. One thing I would add from a professional perspective, driving a realistic simulator over an extended period of time allows a driver to learn to recognize how body fatigue can effect performance and correct for it.

    By fighting for focus and making good judgements as you fatigue to the point of exhaustion you learn how to avoid mistakes and that pays off with victory on the real racetrack.

    If you haven't had a chance to test drive a VirtualGT Racing Simulator you should at least check out the website and see for yourself. They have demonstrations at major racetracks and collector car auctions.

    The VirtualGT Pro Carbon, is a realistic motion simulator that pros use to do race preparation and track training. Triple 46" screens, realistic nine channel motion, incredible audio digitally recorded in the actual cars and hundreds of World class tracks.

    The pro control package has a massive force feedback steering system and a proprietary impulse shifter, quick release pro steering wheel just below a line of sight SLI that shows rpm, speed, lap time and led shifting cues.

    About $65k plus delivery, exclusive 2 year warranty, online remote maintenance and upgrades. Over 500 deployed to racing teams and collector garages worldwide. And they are made in USA.
