Sunday, June 30, 2013

How To Get Maximum Benefits From Love Handles Exercises

By Andrew Michaels

Targeting a flabby midsection is often the hardest part of a person's workout routine. This is a very difficult region to tone up and a lot of the most popular love handle exercises can place a lot of unnecessary stress on the back and the neck. The good news is that you can start experiencing amazing results by simply altering your exercise plan. With proper form, plenty of repetitions and a willingness to persevere, you can get a flat, attractive waistline and increased abdominal strength for preventing low back injuries.

Develop Body Awareness

Before you start doing love handles exercises, you should learn more about your body and how your core muscles are designed to work. These sit at the center of your physique and are used to maintain proper posture, prevent back strain and protect the spine. If your core muscles lack tone, your waistline probably has a rounded and bulky appearance.

Taking the time to pull these muscles in and hold them in place can have an immediate and very positive impact on your posture. Training yourself to engage these as often as you can is the perfect way to improve an unattractive waistline. You will also have a greater ability to target the obliques or side abdominal muscles when working out.

Use Good Form

Whether you are performing your love handles exercises while lying down or standing up, it is essential that you use the proper form. This will help you to avoid placing large amounts of stress on the neck or the spine. Actively engaging the core muscles is the first step to take. This is done by drawing the navel up and towards the spine.

You might try imagining that there is a small cord or string on one side of your navel that is being pulled by someone standing behind you. These efforts will even improve your diagram breathing which is much better than breathing with the chest. If your love handles exercises include side bends, engaging your core will increase the efficacy of these movements.

Performing Love Handles Exercises While Lying Down

When you use twisting crunches or other love handles exercises that require you to lay down, you must keep a small amount of space between your chest and your chin. If you do sit-up while your chin is pressed into the neck, a lot of the work will be accomplished by your neck muscles. You can simply pretend that there is an apple in this space, keeping it open or you can even hold a tennis ball here to avoid drawing your chin too far down. If none of these things are available, you can use your fist to measure this empty space and ensure that it is sufficient.

One of the most vital things to keep in mind as you do love handles exercises is that you will need to fatigue your abdominal muscles. It certainly isn't a lot of fun to perform tons of repetitions and sets but this is the best way to get good results. Moving between a prone and standing position will help you to train your obliques in the most efficient manner.

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